Watts 2 0 2

  1. Watts 2 009
  2. Watts 2 009qt
  3. Watts 2 009m2

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  1. Possible Chris Watts 2.0 in Texas There's a woman and her 2-week old infant missing in Austin, TX and her fiancee is pleading for their safe return. Any case with a missing woman plus a child immediately feels like it may be a repeat of the Watts case or poor Kelsey Berreth's murder.
  2. Exo Terra Repti-Glo 2.0 Compact Fluorescent Full Spectrum Terrarium Lamp, 26-Watt (Natural Light) 4.2 out of 5 stars 686 $23.65 $ 23. 65 LUCKY HERP 10.0 Fluorescent Desert Terrarium Lamp,T8,15 Watt 18 Inches 4.4 out of 5 stars 132.
  3. CONVERSION CHART dBm Watts Vrms V pp. 40 10.0 W 22.4 V 63.2 V-6 251.2uW 112.1 mV 317.0 mV 39 7.9 W 19.9 V 56.4 V-7 199.5uW 99.9 mV 282.5 mV.
  4. 1 - V1.0 2.0 Watt Audio Power Amplifier Features Improved PSRR at 217 Hz & 1 KHz 60 dB Power output at 5.0V, 10% THD+N, 4Ω 2.0 W (typ.) Power output at 5.0V, 1% THD+N, 8Ω 1.5 W (typ.) 2.2V – 5.5V operation Improved circuitry eliminates pop-click noise during turn-on and turn-off transitions.

Kilovolt Ampere to Watts Conversion Calculator

It is a conversion calculator which converts the apparent power in Kilovolt-amps and the power factor to watts (W). It has two text fields which should be filled completely with the appropriate units to perform the conversion.
The first step you need to consider is to enter the apparent power in Kilovolts-amps (kVA). The next text field will require you to fill in the power factor. The reason why the apparent power in Kilowatt-amps cannot be converted directly to Watts is that they are different quantities. Therefore, it has to be converted using the power factor to get the accurate results in watts.
For example, if you enter the apparent power in Kilovolt-amps as 10 (kVA) and the power factor as 2, then your results in watts will be 20000 after clicking the Calculate button. The button performs the calculation immediately and gives accurate results depending on the figures entered in the text fields.
In a situation where you want to perform other calculations, you will use the Reset button which clears all data in the text fields. The fact that it performs all the calculations within seconds makes it time efficient. It also allows you to calculate a large number of conversions over a short period. It is important to note that the calculator can only perform a single conversion at a time.
Therefore, you will be required to use the Reset button in situations where you want to begin new calculations.

The calculator uses a particular formula in executing the calculations;

Calculation of Kilovolt-amps to watts
P (W) = 1000 x S (kVA) x PF, which means that the real power in watts (W) can be calculated by multiplying 1000 by the apparent power in Kilovolt-amps by the power factor.
The formula can also be described as; Watts = 1000 x Kilovolt-amps x PF or W = 1000 x kVA x PF.
For example;
If the apparent power is 5 Kilovolt-amps with a power factor of 0.4, what is the real power in watts?
P (W) = 1000 x 5 kVA x 0.4 = 2000 watts (W)
The procedure can be repeated several times depending on the apparent units in Kilovolt-amps and the power factor. To get the actual power in watts, you have to ensure that the text fields are filled with the right units for the conversion to be accurate. The calculator performs the conversions depending on what is included in the cells.

Related Calculators

Reading Time: 3minutes

Printworks 2 0 8 cm berapa. If you’re shopping for a solar energy system, one of your first questions is probably, “how much will it cost?” Prices depend on the size of your system, the type of equipment you choose, and the state that you live in, but reviewing prices for a 2 kilowatt (kW) system is a great place to start for many smaller homes. Learn more about how much a 2 kW solar system costs, how much electricity a 2 kW system will produce, and the smartest way to shop for solar.

How much does a 2 kW solar system cost in 2020?

As of July 2020, the average cost of solar in the U.S. Windows xp sounds download. is $2.91 per watt ($5,820 for a 2 kilowatt system). That means that the total 2 kW solar system cost would be $4,307 after the 26% Federal ITC discount (not factoring in any additional state rebates and incentives).

2 kW solar panel system cost: what are solar shoppers paying in your state?


We looked at data from the EnergySage Solar Marketplace, the leading comparison-shopping platform for homeowners who are considering home solar panel systems, to find out just how much solar shoppers are paying for 2 kW solar energy systems in different states across the U.S.

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The prices listed below have NOT had the federal tax credit for solar deducted. Depending on where you live, you might have additional state or local solar incentives and rebates that reduce the price even more. You may even be able to earn extra income by selling your system’s solar renewable energy certificates (SRECs).

Even if there are no other incentives where you live, comparing multiple offers from solar companies is important to ensure that you’re finding the best deal. Homeowners who register their property on EnergySage save up to 20 percent just by shopping around for the right option for their home.

How much does a 2,000 W (2 kW) solar system cost in my state?

State2 kW solar system price range (2018)
Arizona$4,560 – $5,440
California$5,080 – $6,680
Colorado$5,700 – $6,780
Florida$4,640 – $6,120
Massachusetts$5,480 – $6,920
Maryland$5,180 – $6,700
New Jersey$4,840 – $6,320
New York$5,300 – $7,060
Texas$4,940 – $6,300
Washington$4,680 – $6,040

Remember, the cost of solar depends on a lot of factors, so these numbers are just meant to be a starting point. In most cases, you should be able to find a 2 kW solar system in this price range – if you receive offers from solar companies that are much higher or lower, be sure to ask follow up questions.

How much electricity will a 2 kW solar system produce?

The amount of electricity your solar panels produce depends on many factors, including the direction and angle of your roof. The most important one is how sunny it is where you live – for example, a 2 kW system in Las Vegas makes about 30 percent more electricity in a year than one in Philadelphia. That being said, you don’t have to live in the Southwest for solar to make sense for you. The cost of electricity where you live is the biggest determinant of your solar savings.

The table below shows average estimated electricity production numbers for 2 kW solar energy systems in cities across the U.S. By comparison, the average household in the U.S. uses 914 kilowatt-hours (kWh) a month, which equals 10,972 kWh per year. We estimated these numbers using PV Watts, a tool developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Daily output of a 2 kW solar panel system in U.S. cities

CityAverage daily kWhAverage monthly kWhAverage annual kWh
Austin, TX8.22492,982
Boston, MA7.52272,727
Cleveland, OH6.62012,417
Denver, CO8.72653,179
Hartford, CT7.02122,545
Las Vegas, NV9.93013,607
Los Angeles, CA8.82683,213
Miami, FL8.02442,932
New York City7.22182,612
Philadelphia, PA7.32222,663
Phoenix, AZ9.62933,514
Seattle, WA6.01822,183

Maximize your solar savings by comparing multiple offers

Now that you know what to expect, you can ensure that you get the best deal on a 2 kW solar energy system by registering your property on the EnergySage Solar Marketplace. Use the comprehensive, easy-to-understand comparison tables to evaluate all of your equipment options, financing offers, and solar company reviews. When you compare multiple solar quotes, you can feel confident that you’re making a smart investment in your home.

cost/savings content
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In radiometry, irradiance is the radiant flux (power) received by a surface per unit area. The SI unit of irradiance is the watt per square metre (W⋅m−2). The CGS uniterg per square centimetre per second (erg⋅cm−2⋅s−1) is often used in astronomy. Irradiance is often called intensity, but this term is avoided in radiometry where such usage leads to confusion with radiant intensity. In astrophysics, irradiance is called radiant flux.[1]

Spectral irradiance is the irradiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength, depending on whether the spectrum is taken as a function of frequency or of wavelength. The two forms have different dimensions: spectral irradiance of a frequency spectrum is measured in watts per square metre per hertz (W⋅m−2⋅Hz−1), while spectral irradiance of a wavelength spectrum is measured in watts per square metre per metre (W⋅m−3), or more commonly watts per square metre per nanometre (W⋅m−2⋅nm−1).

Mathematical definitions[edit]


Irradiance of a surface, denoted Ee ('e' for 'energetic', to avoid confusion with photometric quantities), is defined as[2]

Ee=ΦeA,{displaystyle E_{mathrm {e} }={frac {partial Phi _{mathrm {e} }}{partial A}},}

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  • ∂ is the partial derivative symbol;
  • Φe is the radiant flux received;
  • A is the area.

If we want to talk about the radiant flux emitted by a surface, we speak of radiant exitance.

Spectral irradiance[edit]

Spectral irradiance in frequency of a surface, denoted Ee,ν, is defined as[2]

Ee,ν=Eeν,{displaystyle E_{mathrm {e} ,nu }={frac {partial E_{mathrm {e} }}{partial nu }},}

where ν is the frequency.

Spectral irradiance in wavelength of a surface, denoted Ee,λ, is defined as[2]

Ee,λ=Eeλ,{displaystyle E_{mathrm {e} ,lambda }={frac {partial E_{mathrm {e} }}{partial lambda }},}

where λ is the wavelength.


Irradiance of a surface is also, according to the definition of radiant flux, equal to the time-average of the component of the Poynting vector perpendicular to the surface:

Ee=|S|cosα,{displaystyle E_{mathrm {e} }=langle |mathbf {S} |rangle cos alpha ,}


  • ⟨ • ⟩ is the time-average;
  • S is the Poynting vector;
  • α is the angle between a unit vector normal to the surface and S.

For a propagating sinusoidallinearly polarized electromagnetic plane wave, the Poynting vector always points to the direction of propagation while oscillating in magnitude. The irradiance of a surface is then given by[3]

Ee=n2μ0cEm2cosα=nε0c2Em2cosα,{displaystyle E_{mathrm {e} }={frac {n}{2mu _{0}mathrm {c} }}E_{mathrm {m} }^{2}cos alpha ={frac {nvarepsilon _{0}mathrm {c} }{2}}E_{mathrm {m} }^{2}cos alpha ,}


  • Em is the amplitude of the wave's electric field;
  • n is the refractive index of the medium of propagation;
  • c is the speed of light in vacuum;
  • μ0 is the vacuum permeability;
  • ε0 is the vacuum permittivity.

This formula assumes that the magnetic susceptibility is negligible, i.e. that μr ≈ 1 where μr is the magnetic permeability of the propagation medium. This assumption is typically valid in transparent media in the optical frequency range.

Solar energy[edit]

The global irradiance on a horizontal surface on Earth consists of the direct irradiance Ee,dir and diffuse irradiance Ee,diff. On a tilted plane, there is another irradiance component, Ee,refl, which is the component that is reflected from the ground. The average ground reflection is about 20% of the global irradiance. Hence, the irradiance Ee on a tilted plane consists of three components:[4]

Ee=Ee,dir+Ee,diff+Ee,refl.{displaystyle E_{mathrm {e} }=E_{mathrm {e} ,mathrm {dir} }+E_{mathrm {e} ,mathrm {diff} }+E_{mathrm {e} ,mathrm {refl} }.}

The integral of solar irradiance over a time period is called 'solar exposure' or 'insolation'.[4][5]

SI radiometry units[edit]

Watts 2 009

SI radiometry units
NameSymbol[nb 1]NameSymbolSymbol
Radiant energyQe[nb 2]jouleJML2T−2Energy of electromagnetic radiation.
Radiant energy densitywejoule per cubic metreJ/m3ML−1T−2Radiant energy per unit volume.
Radiant fluxΦe[nb 2]wattW = J/sML2T−3Radiant energy emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit time. This is sometimes also called 'radiant power'.
Spectral fluxΦe,ν[nb 3]watt per hertzW/HzML2T−2Radiant flux per unit frequency or wavelength. The latter is commonly measured in W⋅nm−1.
Φe,λ[nb 4]watt per metreW/mMLT−3
Radiant intensityIe,Ω[nb 5]watt per steradianW/srML2T−3Radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received, per unit solid angle. This is a directional quantity.
Spectral intensityIe,Ω,ν[nb 3]watt per steradian per hertzW⋅sr−1⋅Hz−1ML2T−2Radiant intensity per unit frequency or wavelength. The latter is commonly measured in W⋅sr−1⋅nm−1. This is a directional quantity.
Ie,Ω,λ[nb 4]watt per steradian per metreW⋅sr−1⋅m−1MLT−3
RadianceLe,Ω[nb 5]watt per steradian per square metreW⋅sr−1⋅m−2MT−3Radiant flux emitted, reflected, transmitted or received by a surface, per unit solid angle per unit projected area. This is a directional quantity. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'intensity'.
Spectral radianceLe,Ω,ν[nb 3]watt per steradian per square metre per hertzW⋅sr−1⋅m−2⋅Hz−1MT−2Radiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength. The latter is commonly measured in W⋅sr−1⋅m−2⋅nm−1. This is a directional quantity. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'spectral intensity'.
Le,Ω,λ[nb 4]watt per steradian per square metre, per metreW⋅sr−1⋅m−3ML−1T−3
Flux density
Ee[nb 2]watt per square metreW/m2MT−3Radiant flux received by a surface per unit area. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'intensity'.
Spectral irradiance
Spectral flux density
Ee,ν[nb 3]watt per square metre per hertzW⋅m−2⋅Hz−1MT−2Irradiance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'spectral intensity'. Non-SI units of spectral flux density include jansky (1 Jy = 10−26 W⋅m−2⋅Hz−1) and solar flux unit (1 sfu = 10−22 W⋅m−2⋅Hz−1 = 104 Jy).
Ee,λ[nb 4]watt per square metre, per metreW/m3ML−1T−3
RadiosityJe[nb 2]watt per square metreW/m2MT−3Radiant flux leaving (emitted, reflected and transmitted by) a surface per unit area. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'intensity'.
Spectral radiosityJe,ν[nb 3]watt per square metre per hertzW⋅m−2⋅Hz−1MT−2Radiosity of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength. The latter is commonly measured in W⋅m−2⋅nm−1. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'spectral intensity'.
Je,λ[nb 4]watt per square metre, per metreW/m3ML−1T−3
Radiant exitanceMe[nb 2]watt per square metreW/m2MT−3Radiant flux emitted by a surface per unit area. This is the emitted component of radiosity. 'Radiant emittance' is an old term for this quantity. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'intensity'.
Spectral exitanceMe,ν[nb 3]watt per square metre per hertzW⋅m−2⋅Hz−1MT−2Radiant exitance of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength. The latter is commonly measured in W⋅m−2⋅nm−1. 'Spectral emittance' is an old term for this quantity. This is sometimes also confusingly called 'spectral intensity'.
Me,λ[nb 4]watt per square metre, per metreW/m3ML−1T−3
Radiant exposureHejoule per square metreJ/m2MT−2Radiant energy received by a surface per unit area, or equivalently irradiance of a surface integrated over time of irradiation. This is sometimes also called 'radiant fluence'.
Spectral exposureHe,ν[nb 3]joule per square metre per hertzJ⋅m−2⋅Hz−1MT−1Radiant exposure of a surface per unit frequency or wavelength. The latter is commonly measured in J⋅m−2⋅nm−1. This is sometimes also called 'spectral fluence'.
He,λ[nb 4]joule per square metre, per metreJ/m3ML−1T−2
Hemispherical emissivityεN/A1Radiant exitance of a surface, divided by that of a black body at the same temperature as that surface.
Spectral hemispherical emissivityεν
N/A1Spectral exitance of a surface, divided by that of a black body at the same temperature as that surface.
Directional emissivityεΩN/A1Radiance emitted by a surface, divided by that emitted by a black body at the same temperature as that surface.
Spectral directional emissivityεΩ,ν
N/A1Spectral radiance emitted by a surface, divided by that of a black body at the same temperature as that surface.
Hemispherical absorptanceAN/A1Radiant flux absorbed by a surface, divided by that received by that surface. This should not be confused with 'absorbance'.
Spectral hemispherical absorptanceAν
N/A1Spectral flux absorbed by a surface, divided by that received by that surface. This should not be confused with 'spectral absorbance'.
Directional absorptanceAΩN/A1Radiance absorbed by a surface, divided by the radiance incident onto that surface. This should not be confused with 'absorbance'.
Spectral directional absorptanceAΩ,ν
N/A1Spectral radiance absorbed by a surface, divided by the spectral radiance incident onto that surface. This should not be confused with 'spectral absorbance'.
Hemispherical reflectanceRN/A1Radiant flux reflected by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Spectral hemispherical reflectanceRν
N/A1Spectral flux reflected by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Directional reflectanceRΩN/A1Radiance reflected by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Spectral directional reflectanceRΩ,ν
N/A1Spectral radiance reflected by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Hemispherical transmittanceTN/A1Radiant flux transmitted by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Spectral hemispherical transmittanceTν
N/A1Spectral flux transmitted by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Directional transmittanceTΩN/A1Radiance transmitted by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Spectral directional transmittanceTΩ,ν
N/A1Spectral radiance transmitted by a surface, divided by that received by that surface.
Hemispherical attenuation coefficientμreciprocal metrem−1L−1Radiant flux absorbed and scattered by a volume per unit length, divided by that received by that volume.
Spectral hemispherical attenuation coefficientμν
reciprocal metrem−1L−1Spectral radiant flux absorbed and scattered by a volume per unit length, divided by that received by that volume.
Directional attenuation coefficientμΩreciprocal metrem−1L−1Radiance absorbed and scattered by a volume per unit length, divided by that received by that volume.
Spectral directional attenuation coefficientμΩ,ν
reciprocal metrem−1L−1Spectral radiance absorbed and scattered by a volume per unit length, divided by that received by that volume.
See also: SI·Radiometry·Photometry
  1. ^Standards organizations recommend that radiometric quantities should be denoted with suffix 'e' (for 'energetic') to avoid confusion with photometric or photon quantities.
  2. ^ abcdeAlternative symbols sometimes seen: W or E for radiant energy, P or F for radiant flux, I for irradiance, W for radiant exitance.
  3. ^ abcdefgSpectral quantities given per unit frequency are denoted with suffix 'ν' (Greek)—not to be confused with suffix 'v' (for 'visual') indicating a photometric quantity.
  4. ^ abcdefgSpectral quantities given per unit wavelength are denoted with suffix 'λ' (Greek).
  5. ^ abDirectional quantities are denoted with suffix 'Ω' (Greek).

See also[edit]

  • PI curve (photosynthesis-irradiance curve)

Watts 2 009qt


  1. ^Carroll, Bradley W. (2017-09-07). An introduction to modern astrophysics. p. 60. ISBN978-1-108-42216-1. OCLC991641816.
  2. ^ abc'Thermal insulation — Heat transfer by radiation — Physical quantities and definitions'. ISO 9288:1989. ISO catalogue. 1989. Retrieved 2015-03-15.
  3. ^Griffiths, David J. (1999). Introduction to electrodynamics (3. ed., reprint. with corr. ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ [u.a.]: Prentice-Hall. ISBN0-13-805326-X.
  4. ^ abQuaschning, Volker (2003). 'Technology fundamentals—The sun as an energy resource'. Renewable Energy World. 6 (5): 90–93.
  5. ^Liu, B. Y. H.; Jordan, R. C. (1960). 'The interrelationship and characteristic distribution of direct, diffuse and total solar radiation'. Solar Energy. 4 (3): 1. Bibcode:1960SoEn..4..1L. doi:10.1016/0038-092X(60)90062-1.

Watts 2 009m2

The Foundry Nuke Studio 12 1v1 Fortnite

The Foundry Nuke Studio 12.1v1 Win. Title: The Foundry Nuke Studio 12.1v1 Win. Info: Nuke®, NukeX® and Nuke Studio® offer cutting-edge toolkits for node-based compositing, editorial and review. The Nuke family’s unparalleled flexibility and collaborative workflows help you get the highest quality results-fast. Compositing and much more. The Foundry Nuke Studio 12.0v2 is a node-based digital compositing and visual effects application that provides the latest tools designed to streamline everyday workflows and ensure fast highest quality results. The Nuke Family offers cutting-edge toolkits for node-based compositing, editorial, and review, with unparalleled flexibility and collaborative workflows, help you get the highest.

The Foundry Nuke Studio 12.1v4 Win x64

The Foundry Nuke Studio 12 1v1 Fortnite

Title: The Foundry Nuke Studio 12.1v4 Win x64

Nuke 12.1 gives artists all the features they need, right at their fingertips. With the new Shuffle Node, substantial enhancements to BlinkScript and Particles and performance improvements targeting GPU accelerated nodes.

New Shuffle Node
Introducing a new, updated version of the Shuffle node which will replace both the Shuffle and ShuffleCopy nodes. With a more user-friendly UI, the updated node improves stability and offers consistent channel ordering relative to the previous Shuffle node. Plus, it can now support one or two inputs and up to eight channels per layer.

Updated Nuke Spherical Transform and Bilateral
We’ve merged the NukeX and Cara VR versions of SphericalTransform and Bilateral with the Nuke versions of these nodes, adding increased functionality and GPU support in Nuke. SphericalTransform has a new MirrorBall projection method, alongside access to the standard set of Nuke filter methods. Both nodes take advantage of the CaraVR GPU performance improvements added in Nuke 12.1 and are available in Nuke—they do not require a NukeX license.

Cara VR GPU Caching
Improvements to Nuke’s GPU processing architecture result in significant performance improvements for chains of nodes that use this new behavior. In Nuke 12.1, all of the Cara VR nodes, including SphericalTransform and Bilateral, take advantage of this architecture resulting in significant improvements in viewer processing and rendering. This improvement is also available in BlinkScript.

New BlinkScript Particle Support
NukeX now includes a new ParticleBlinkScript node. This node allows users to write BlinkScripts which operate on particles and further enables users to write their own custom Particle nodes. We’re also providing 14 new gizmos as a starting point for artists and developers using ParticleBlinkScript to create new particle tools.

To facilitate these updates, we’ve made some updates and fixes to Nuke’s BlinkScript framework to improve performance for GPU-accelerated nodes and help developers working with BlinkScript, including a new debug printout. See the release notes and developer documentation for details.

MODO is your starting point for creative exploration. Whether you’re creating addictive real-time experiences, innovative product designs, compelling advertising images, or engaging film and video content, MODO’s artist-friendly tools let you iterate freely to realize your ideas’ full creative potential.
Modo features:
Modo® offers a unique combination of best-in-class direct modeling tools working hand-in-hand with a highly robust and flexible procedural modeling system. Additionally, Modo features the award-winning MeshFusion Boolean tools, integrated sculpting and retopology functionality.
UV workflows
Take the drudgery out of tedious UV creation tasks, with a highly efficient built-in toolset that offers many automated options, supports UDIM workflows, and—unlike some other 3D content creation tools—integrates fully with modeling and selection workflows.
Bring your artistic expression to 3D modeling, as you use Modo’s integrated brush-based sculpting tools to intuitively rough out volumes and add multiple levels of fine detail with speed.
Streamline your workflow with fast, flexible layer-based and nodal shading systems for building sophisticated, convincing materials with ease. Drag-and-drop presets let you quickly develop the look you want, or simply select from a huge library of highly realistic physically-based materials.
Enjoy photorealistic rendering at amazing speeds and limitless resolutions—even network rendering is free. Modo’s production-proven, physically-based renderer offers a rare blend of speed and quality.
Review textures as you bake and watch them refine progressively. Modo also allows you to tweak settings and make surface changes without waiting for a final render, and it accurately bakes to Unity or Unreal standards with no extra tools required.
Featuring a non-destructive, non-linear toolset and fully-integrated modular workflow, Modo’s flexible node-based rigging system lets you easily create, edit, manage and reuse complex character rigs.
Incorporating traditional animation techniques applied in innovative ways, Modo’s 3D animation framework is highly customizable to meet the most demanding of production challenges.
Modo’s rule-based, directable particles work together with the fully-integrated rigid and soft bodies, and procedural shattering, to let you create compelling dynamic simulations in less time.
Hair and Fur
Modo lets you create and manipulate realistic hair, fur, grass, feathers and other fiber-based effects as actual geometry that can be sculpted, shaded and rendered directly in your scene.
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19 February 2020

macOS Mojave (10.14) or macOS Catalina (10.15)

Windows10 (64-bit)

CentOS 7.4 (64-bit), or later

Note:The VFX Platform 2019 upgrade includes library versions that are only compatible with CentOS 7.4, or later. Nuke 12.1 is qualified on the Centos 7.4, 7.5, and 7.6 distributions.

Other operating systems may work, but have not been fully tested.

Requirements for Nuke's GPU Acceleration

If you want to enable Nuke to calculate certain nodes using the GPU, there are some additional requirements.


An NVIDIA GPU with compute capability 3.0 (Kepler) or above. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus

Note:The compute capability is a property of the GPU hardware and can't be altered by a software update.

With graphics drivers capable of running CUDA 10.1 or above. OnWindowsand Linux, CUDA graphics drivers are bundled with the regular drivers for your NVIDIA GPU. Driver versions 418.96 (Windows) and 418.39 (Linux), or above are required. See https://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx for more information.

Note:We recommend using the latest graphics drivers, where possible, regardless of operating system.


Note:Bit-wise equality between GPU and CPU holds in most cases, but for some operations there are limitations to the accuracy possible with this configuration. What happens when you win big in a casino.

OnWindowsand Linux, an AMD GPU from the following list:

Note:Other AMD GPUs may work, but have not been fully tested.

Radeon™ RX 480

Radeon™ Pro WX 7100

Radeon™ Pro WX 9100

Radeon™ Pro SSG

Radeon™ Pro WX 8200

Note:For information on the recommended driver for each GPU, see https://www.amd.com/en/support

On Mac, AMD GPUs are supported on any late 2013 Mac Pro, mid 2015 MacBook Pros onward, and late 2017 iMac Pros.

Warning:Although AMD GPUs are enabled on other Mac models, they are not officially supported and used at your own risk.

Multi-GPU Processing

Nuke's GPU support includes an Enable multi-GPU support option. When enabled in the preferences, GPU processing is shared between the available GPUs for extra processing speed.

Note:Multi-GPU processing is only available for identical GPUs in the same machine. For example, two NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080s or two AMD Radeon™ Pro WX 9100s.

Blink Particles

For Nuke 12.1 we have added the ParticleBlinkScript node. This node works in a similar way to the BlinkScript node but allows you to write Blink scripts that operate on particles. This enables you to write your own Particle nodes, to create the specific behavior you need.

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Additionally, we are providing new particle gizmos written with ParticleBlinkScript. This adds new behavior and functionality to the Particle system, and each node includes the script available as a teaching tool. Bono para bingo sin deposito.

See Using the ParticleBlinkScript Node for more information.

DDImage Update

Nuke 12.1 contain an update to DDImage to separate the codec knobs from the container knobs. This update breaks binary compatibility for any and all plug-ins built against previous versions of DDImage.

FFMpeg Update

The FFmpeg libraries have been updated to version 4.2. The main benefits are related to file I/O, but in general use, we do not expect you to see any difference. You may experience problems with different system versions if they override our library path or if your system contains mismatching dependencies from the original CentOS 7.4 packages.

GPU Caching and Improvements

For Nuke 12.1 we have made improvements to Nuke’s GPU processing, enabling images to be cached on the GPU between nodes for faster execution of chains of GPU nodes. This behavior is available for all CaraVR nodes in NukeX and BlinkScript. Scripts with chains of these nodes keep data on the GPU, rather than transferring to and from the CPU in between nodes. We expect significant performance improvements for chains of these nodes processed on GPU.

See GPU Caching for more information.

Additional updates include:

Improvements to the overall Blink infrastructure resulting in performance improvements to all GPU accelerated nodes.


SphericalTransform2 has a new MirrorBall projection method and access to the standard set of Nuke filter methods. SphericalTransform2 replaces Nuke’s existing SphericalTransform node.

Note:Backwards compatibility for scripts using C_SphericalTransform is provided.

Bilateral2 has a new Median filter method. Bilateral2 replaces Nuke’s existing Bilateral node.

Note:Backwards compatibility for scripts using C_Bilateral is provided.

C_Blur options added to blur in latlong or rectilinear space to match Nuke’s native Blur node.

C_STMap now includes the standard set of Nuke filter methods.


You can now export tracking data from GridWarpTracker to Nuke's regular Tracker node by right-clicking in the Viewer and selecting Export to and selecting the export type.

HieroPlayer Flipbook and Fast Launch

Nuke 12.1 includes the ability to use HieroPlayer as a flipbook tool for Nuke and NukeX, giving artists more control when comparing different versions of their work. HieroPlayer auto-detects the OCIO config and Viewer colorspace coming from the Nuke script and sets up the files being reviewed correctly, whether you are working on a single script or in multiple scripts at one given time. HieroPlayer can be set as the Flipbook in the UI and in the Preferences.

The launch speed of HieroPlayer has also been improved across all operating systems to improve the overall experience of using HieroPlayer as a flipbook tool.

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High DPI Support

Nuke supports high definition displays, automatically scaling the interface using the operating system's scaling settings. On Linux operating systems, scaling is currently disabled by default. You can enable automatic scaling by setting the QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR environment variable to 1.

Note:Auto-scaling in some multi-screen setups causes the interface to scale incorrectly when moving from lower resolution screens to higher resolution screens. This is possibly a symptom of the way Qt calculates screen scale.
To avoid this issue, we recommend always placing your physical screens with the highest resolution on the far left-hand side of the setup.

Alternatively, you can set the screen scaling factor manually using the QT_SCALE_FACTOR environment variable to force scaling to 1, 1.5, or 2. The recommended scaling factor is 1.5.

In multi-monitor setups, you can manually scale the interface independently by screen using the QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS variable. Scaling uses the same recommended factors, separated by ; (semicolon). For example, QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS='1.5;1' where the first monitor is higher resolution than the second.

See Environment Variables for more information about setting environment variables.

We are working on providing user preferences to replace variables and hope to have these available in an upcoming release. This is currently logged as:

• ID 420052 - High DPI: Add UI scaling options to preferences.


This release includes a new user-friendly UI redesign for streamlined workflow, with improved automatic bounding box detection and improved viewer interaction.

See Working with Lens Distortion for more information.

QuickTime Audio

Native support of .mov files containing audio has been expanded to include Linux and Windows. You can now import these .mov files directly into Nuke Studio, Hiero, and HieroPlayer without the need to extract and import the audio as a separate .wav file.


Nuke 12.1 introduces an updated Shuffle2 node, which replaces both the Shuffle and ShuffleCopy nodes. It has an updated, more user-friendly UI, supports one or two inputs, and up to eight channels per layer. The new user interface features a node-like visual indicator of which channels are being copied. Connections are made by dragging sockets between layers. Inputs can have multiple outgoing connections, but outputs can only have one incoming channel. Channels can be set to solid black or solid white, by selecting the black or white button in the Output Layer.

Input and output channel layers can be set individually, using the channels dropdown. The source of the selected layer’s channel data can be set using the dropdown on the respective Input Layer. When connections have been made, but the Shuffle’s input pipe becomes disconnected, the connections from Input to Output are represented with dotted lines.

See Shuffling Channels for more information.

Surround Sound Support

This release includes multi-channel audio support in Nuke Studio, Hiero, and HieroPlayer. When you import 5.1 and 7.1 or individual audio files and place them on your timeline, the audio tracks can now be patched to different output speakers, such as LFE or Center. Audio output is configurable using monitor out devices or specific audio cards.

See Audio and the Timeline for more information.

Version Linking

Version Linking allows linking and unlinking of source clip versions between project bin clips and shots in a sequence that reference a clip. You can define if a shot is linked to its source clip or not, and we've introduced three new states to bin clips: Linked, Unlinked and Mixed. Two new states govern shots: Linked or Unlinked.

These states are indicated by an icon on the clips that have been unlinked and there is a new column in the Project bin and spreadsheet view for Version and Link Status. Bin clips can be set as Linked or Unlinked on import using the Preferences > Project Defaults > General > Link bin and track item version.

See Version Linking for more information.

File Format Updates

DNxHR MXF Writer for Nuke (Video only)

MXF format added to Write Node - File Type

DNxHR codec support

OP-1a and OP-Atom Patterns


4:4:4 12-bit

HQX 4:2:2 12-bit

HQ 4:2:2 8-bit

SQ 4:2:2 8-bit

LB 4:2:2 8-bit

Improvements to Reading .mxf and .mov Files

Nuke now uses file metadata to set the colorspace in Nuke for .mov and .mxf ProRes files. If no metadata exists, Nuke parses frame header information to retrieve transfer characteristics.

Note:Legacy scripts may not work as expected as a result of this update.

Additional support includes:

Motion JPEG B - Reader using mov64

Motion JPEG B - Writer using mov64 (Nuke only)

Colorfront encoded DNxHD Op-Atom .mxf files are now supported.

Avid DNx Codec 2.3.1 Update

Nuke can now read DNxHR .mov files and additional SDK info is now displayed in Read node's Properties panel.

ArriRAW Update

Nuke can now read Arri Codex HDE .arx and Alexa Mini LF files and additional SDK info is now displayed in Read node's Properties panel. CUDA GPU debayering is now available for NVIDIA cards.

ARRI Apple ProRes Update

Nuke now supports ARRI Apple ProRes wrapped in .mxf files.

• ID 155170 - ParticleEmitter: The controls on the Region tab were enabled by default.

• ID 216355 - mov64Reader: Reading files written with the Animation codec produced blurred images when compared to the mov32Reader.

• ID 271930 - Soft Effects: Opening a project in HieroPlayer allowed editing of the Viewer overlay.

• ID 363911 - When color management was set to OCIO, adjusting the Gain/Gamma values or changing the channels in the Viewer reset the playback cache.

• ID 379710 - GridWarpTracker: Pressing the Esc key did not cancel tracking as expected.

• ID 388455 - High DPI: Hovering down a menu list left orange highlight outlines around items.

• ID 390885 - GridWarpTracker: Morph Amount was disabled when going from Warp to Morph.

• ID 393106 - LensDistortion: Solves didn't produce reliable results on anamorphic footage, even though lines were detected correctly.

• ID 394019 - Qt: Floating windows changed Z position when full screen mode was enabled using Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+F or Ctrl/Cmd+F.

• ID 395305 - Nuke Studio paused for a few seconds after loading a project.

• ID 400232 - High DPI: CameraTracker's thumbnails bar was not scaled to fit the width of Viewer.

• ID 400508 - High DPI: The Wipe bounding box outline was thinner and smaller than in older versions of Nuke.

• ID 400816 - High DPI: The frame preview in the timeline Viewer when moving cuts was not scaled correctly or in the correct position.

• ID 407395 - Particles: Connecting and viewing ParticleEmitter and ParticleSpawn nodes caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 408079 - GridWarpTracker: Using SmartVector tracking data did not work as expected if the Viewer downrez control was set to anything other than 1:1.

• ID 410741 - Read/Write: Nuke did not read 12-bit (4444) ProRes .mov files correctly.

• ID 411453 - BlinkScript: The kernel editor in the node Properties panel used an incorrect font.

• ID 414242 - ParticleExpression: A divide by zero error in the 3D system caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 416170 - Linked knobs didn't display their custom knob name and tooltip correctly.

• ID 416264 - Linux only: Reading multiple ARRIRAW files in Nuke Studio or Hiero caused the application to become unresponsive or crash.

• ID 417574 - Loading a preferences file containing an unknown preference caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 417703 - LensDistortion: Drawing features with a sampling region active in the Viewer did not work as expected.

• ID 418206 - Particles: Connecting a particle stream from a TimeOffset node to a geometry node, such as MergeGeo, did not produce any geometry.

• ID 418831 - Export: Projects with multiple versions and burn-in applied caused the Export dialog to appear sluggish.

• ID 419490 - ParticleExpression: Viewing a ParticleExpression node with chans set to any expression and new_channels set to None caused Nuke to crash.

• ID 420623 - Audio: Changing audio device did not work without restarting the application and occasionally caused Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 420674 - macOS only: Flipbooking did not set the Viewer LUT to None.

• ID 421100 - WriteGeo: The Execute button did not work as expected.

• ID 421318 - Timeline Editing: Disabling and enabling shots with transitions or burn-ins applied occasionally displayed artifacts in the Viewer.

• ID 422056 - ParticleToGeo: 2D sprites were not affected by the align mode.

• ID 422500 - Monitor Output: Applying certain Viewer masks produced artifacts in the mask areas with Blackmagic 10-bit 4:4:4 output.

• ID 422682 - GridWarpTracker: The undo stack incorrectly grouped multiple actions together into a single undo.

This section covers new known issues and gives workarounds for them, where appropriate.

Note:NVIDIA GPUs with compute capability of 3.0 (Kepler) cannot process .r3d files due to a known issue in the R3D SDK preventing decoding and debayering. Nuke defaults to CPU processing when reading .r3d files with these cards installed. A list of the compute capabilities of NVIDIA GPUs is available at: www.nvidia.co.uk/object/cuda_gpus_uk.html

• ID 426069 - Audio: Exporting .mov shots produces audio tracks that are a few milliseconds shorter that the associated video tracks.

• ID 424122 -Windowsonly: Adjacent menu options have no break between their highlights on high DPI screens.

• ID 423133 - Read: Reverting a change to the Clip Settings > Colorspace or Look > Colorspace dropdowns for certain .ari and .r3d files displays an Invalid LUT error in the Viewer.

• ID 422242 - High DPI: The active state of some buttons, such as the RotoPaint Viewer tools, can be hard to see due to a lack of outline or contrast.

• ID 420685 - Linux only: Qt does not always follow local monitor scaling correctly.

• ID 420608 - High DPI: Flipbooking to HieroPlayer on a 4K Monitor occasionally doesn't work as expected.

• ID 420589 - C_CameraSolver: Running out of memory produces different results when matching and solving rigs.

• ID 419842 - PlanarTracker: Clicking the track range Viewer buttons doesn't work as expected and displays an ExecuteDialog error.

• ID 419808 - BlinkScript: The normalize function doesn't work as expected.

• ID 419186 - High DPI: Dragging windows between screens with different resolutions occasionally scales the size of the window content, but not the window itself.

• ID 419183 - High DPI: Panel extend icons are not drawn correctly.

• ID 419156 -Windowsonly: Column header text is not centered correctly in tables.

• ID 418778 - Read/Write: MJPEG A and B are currently written with incorrect Matrix settings.

• ID 418433 - High DPI: Some panel borders exhibit artifacts or discoloration.

• ID 418315 - High DPI: The UI is rendered incorrectly when waking the computer from sleep.
As a workaround, click anywhere in the UI to redraw the interface.

• ID 418251 - High DPI: Column headers have changed to light gray.

• ID 418027 -Windowsonly: The right-click menu in the Curve Editor sometimes scales to the wrong size.

• ID 417583 - C_DisparityGenerator: Processing is slower in CUDA than in OpenCL.

• ID 417418 - MXF DNxHR: Exporting files with the OP Atom and reading the files back into Nuke does not display the Tape ID metadata. In Avid, the Tape ID metadata is read correctly.

• ID 417408 - High DPI: The Preferences window doesn't scale correctly on non-4K monitors when they are set as the primary.

• ID 417100 -Windowsonly: Using the ! operator on an integer image in Blink causes Nuke to crash due to a call to an unimplemented virtual function.
As a workaround, add .x on the end of !p_conditions(). This avoids ! being unimplemented for int<1> on Windows.

• ID 416659 -Windowsonly: Disconnecting a Shuffle input and then swapping the Input Layers occasionally causes Nuke to crash.

• ID 416571 - High DPI: Pane edges are displayed with pixel artifacts in larger tabs.

• ID 416388 - High DPI: An extra line is displayed at the end of the progress bar on the Tracker node.

• ID 416134 - High DPI: The contents of a floating window don't fit properly when moved from a non-4K monitor to a 4K monitor.
As a workaround, re-scale the floating window to pop the view back into the right place.

• ID 415836 - High DPI: Properties containing a graph widget are not displaying correctly when moved to a non-4K screen.

• ID 415797 - High DPI: Node name text is not vertically centered.

• ID 415673 - High DPI: When the file browser is dragged to a non-4K monitor, multiple versions of the icons appear.

• ID 414828 - ProRes QuickTimes include incorrect color metadata, identifying the color primaries as Rec.601 rather than Rec.709.

• ID 412221 - Backdrop: The border on Backdrop nodes in the Node Graph does not scale at different zoom levels.

• ID 412218 - Backdrop: The border on Backdrop nodes in the Node Graph appears uneven at certain zoom levels.

• ID 412116 -Windowsonly: The audio build of Nuke plays multi-channel audio at lower audible levels onWindows10 when using SoundBlaster PCI card or a generic USB interface.

• ID 411468 - macOS only: Exporting Apple ProRes 444 .mov files displays irrelevant errors on completion.

• ID 411328 - macOS only: Switching between sequences occasionally causes Nuke Studio to crash.

• ID 410556 - High DPI: The Multiple Views (V) icon on track items is no longer transparent.

• ID 410493 - High DPI: The current frame indicator is misaligned in the Nuke Studio timeline.

• ID 407193 - High DPI: The divider line in the A/B dropdown is not sharp.

• ID 406686 - Linux only: Switching from 4K to a non-4K screen can cause the UI to display incorrectly.

• ID 404708 - High DPI: Moving floating panels between monitors does not work as expected if scaling is not set to 100%.

• ID 399226 - High DPI: The color swatches in the Preferences are not aligned with the text.

• ID 394981 - C_Blur and Nuke's Blur node do not always produce exactly the same result.

• ID 388445 - Linux only: Resetting the Workspace on a 4K monitor sends the workspace to the main monitor. If it's not a 4K monitor, the scale doesn't reset and context menus are not in the correct place.
As a workaround, right-click anywhere in the UI to correct the scaling.

• ID 388422 - High DPI: Bin items keep their orange highlighting after being deselected.

• ID 384455 -Windowsonly: Resetting a workspace and then moving it to 4K monitor causes some panels to overlap.

• ID 384433 - High DPI: After resizing the Viewer, artifacts appear above and below the Viewer controls.

Here are the changes relevant to developers. See Help > Documentation from the Nuke menu bar or https://learn.foundry.com/nuke/developers/121/ndkdevguide/appendixc/index.html for more information.

As Nuke develops, we sometimes have to make changes to the application programming interface (API) and application binary interface (ABI) under the hood. We try to keep these changes to a minimum and only for certain releases, but from time to time API and ABI compatibility is not guaranteed. See the following table for the situations when you may have to recompile your plug-ins and/or make changes to the source code.

Release Type






11.2v1 to 11.2v2



11.1v1 to 11.2v1



11.0v1 to 12.0v1


Additionally, node Class() names occasionally change between major releases. While these changes do not affect legacy scripts, you may not get the results you were expecting if a node class has been modified. The toolbars.py file, used to create Nuke's node toolbar, contains all the current node class names and is located in <install_directory>/plugins/nukescripts/ for reference.
As an example, between Nuke 9 and Nuke 10, the CameraShake node Class() changed from CameraShake2 to CameraShake3. In the toolbars.py file for the two releases, the entries for the CameraShake node appear as follows:
m.addCommand('CameraShake', 'nuke.createNode('CameraShake2')', icon='CameraShake.png')
m.addCommand('CameraShake', 'nuke.createNode('CameraShake3')', icon='CameraShake.png')

New Features

There are no new features in this release.

Feature Enhancements

There are no feature enhancements in this release.

Bug Fixes

There are no bug fixes in this release.

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Final Cut Library Manager 2 70 Download Free

VidLib - Stock footage video library for iMovie and Final Cut 2.0 for Mac can be downloaded from our website for free. The most popular versions of the tool are 2.0, 1.5 and 1.1. Our built-in antivirus checked this Mac download and rated it as virus free. The bundle id for this app is com.videoclips.vidlibmac. Manage Media with Final Cut Pro X Libraries October 2019 6 About Final Cut Pro Libraries In Final Cut Pro X, your events are organized within libraries. Events contain both projects and clips. Libraries Final Cut Pro X builds on the library concept and tailors it to professional video post-production workflows. You can think of a library as a. Trusted Mac download VidLib - Stock footage video library for iMovie and Final Cut 2.0. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get VidLib - Stock footage video library for iMovie and Final Cut alternative downloads. Our antivirus analysis shows that this download is clean. The program's installer file is commonly found as HVAC Solution - Pro.exe. The program lies within Education Tools, more precisely Science Tools. The current installer available for download requires 57.8 MB of hard disk space.

A LUT is short for Look Up Tables. It is a lot like a multiplication table that allows users to apply color grade presets to your footage. Wolfcrow has a great explanation of what exactly it is.

This cute little video is a few years old, but it explains it all better than I can.

I also put together an In Depth article about LUTs in 2017. This article has the same cat video as above but a lot more. It also has links to tutorials for Avid, DaVinci Resolve, Assimilate Scratch, Final Cut Pro
X, and, of course, more freebies.

Free LUTs and LUT Tools

35 Free LUTs from RocketStock

RocketStock has a bunch of free LUTs that work with Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro X, DaVinci Resolve, and more!

Free LUTS from Colorgrading Central

Free LUTs to give cinematic looks to your footage in Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, and Final Cut Pro X.

Install Custom LUTs FCPX 10.4

This is a free 8 pack LUT download from LPTguy.com.


To demonstrate, see the video below.

Wanderlust: 17 Free LUTs to Use on LOG Footage

Premium Beat has some free LUTs for your enjoyment. They say these work with Adobe Premiere Pro CC, FCPX, and DaVinci Resolve.

In addition, they’ve made this nice video so you can see what the LUTs look like.

Keep scrolling to find “Bonus: 35 more free LUTs for Rec 709 footage!”.



FCPXFree.com has many free Look Up Tables (LUTs) for use with CoreMelt LUTx, to get the professional finish you are looking for. To explain,

Look up tables let you apply color correction looks created by professional colorists onto your footage inside FCP X, or you can apply Camera LUTs which convert from LOG to rec709 (video) color space. These cannot be loaded directly into FCP X. You need a LUT loader plug-in, the two free templates in CoreMelt LUTx will allow you to load and apply these LUTs.

MLUT Professional LUT loading tool

Achieve cinematic looks with ease with MLUT. MLUT is a professional 3D LUT loading tool for Final Cut Pro X and Motion 5 from MotionVFX. It allows you to collect, use and manage your LUT files, all in one place.
Import your own .cube files or use our packs from MotionVFX. There are five free LUTs included too!

More LUTs & LUT Tools

Greyscalegorilla Gorilla Grade LUTs

100 Filmic looks for your next Project!
Gorilla Grade LUTs is a set of 100 different cinematic color grades that you can easily apply to your footage or 3d renders. You can load these LUT files into many leading digital content creation tools such as Photoshop, After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Nuke, Fusion, and much more. Gorilla Grade LUTs can quickly and easily color grade your 3D renders, motion design, live action, or even photos.

CrumplePop Koji Advance

Advanced film-emulation plugin trusted by professionals.
Full-featured film emulation plugin for Adobe Premiere (Mac only), Adobe After Effects (Mac only), Final Cut Pro X (Mac only). Also, includes LUT files in the .cube format for loading into LUT-capable cameras and field monitors.

Learn more about CrumplePop Koji Advance
This product requires FxFactory to run (Free Download).

CoreMelt LUTx for FCPX

Color Look-Up Tables (LUTs) allow you to apply preset color grades by professional colorists easily on your own footage. CoreMelt LUTx is the most powerful LUT solution for Final Cut Pro X. Collections in this bundle include the Beauty, Fashion, Food collection, Feature Look Collection, LOMO Collection, Sci-Fi Collection, Social Media Collection, and LUTx Free, all of which can be purchased individually or together with more coming soon. https://chipsfree-betaustralia-casino-online.peatix.com.

CrumplePop LUTPro for FCPX

Normalize footage shot in log format through an extensive library of LUTs or lend an artistic look to existing clips.
LUTPro by CrumplePop is a plugin that lets you apply LUT files to your video inside of Final Cut Pro X. You can use LUTPro to quickly normalize video shot in a “log” format, or you can import your own LUT collection for use in FCPX.

  • Normalize “log” formats like RED IPP2, Canon C-Log, Blackmagic, and others
  • Import your own LUT collection for use in Final Cut Pro X
  • Includes white balance and professional lift/gamma/gain color correction

Featured Image credit: 2cassis

Posted by Michele Yamazaki

The team at ArcticWhiteness first shipped Final Cut Library Manager March 4, 2014. Two years later, the application is solid, mature, and revved with a spiffy new upgrade. Let me show you some of the new features.


Final Cut Library Manager is an essential Final Cut utility that allows you to do things with Final Cut Pro X library and media files files that are either impossible or time-consuming to do any other way.

The latest version adds improved filters, the ability to see libraries that are currently open in Final Cut Pro X, an improved interface and revised pricing.

Downloading the free version is a no-brainer for anyone using Final Cut Pro X. And purchasing one of the feature packs is a good way to ensure that this application continues to improve.

Product: Final Cut Library Manager v. 3.04
Developer: ArcticWhiteness
MSRP: Varies (see below)
Free version available


Installation is easy. Download the software from the ArcticWhiteness website (the product is not available in the Mac App Store). This puts the application into the Downloads folder.

Simply copy the app from Downloads into your Applications folder and you are done.

NOTE Apple apps for pc windows 7. : Or, if you don’t, when you first launch the app, it will offer to put itself into the Applications folder for you.


Wick Editor 1.18.0 Pre-Release Desktop Editor. New Tool Changes, Accessibility Updates, and Bug Fixes! For a full release update, please refer to our release forum post. Edit: The Linux AppImage has been updated and should now work. This version of The Wick Editor is outdated! Try the new Wick Editor 1.0 at editor.wickeditor.com! Wick is a suspense thriller where you play as a small candle in the ruins of a dark, oppressive cathedral. Though the halls are littered with victims of a mysterious plague, you are not the only soul left. Use the properties of a candle, a few tricks, and a trusty douter to prevent yourself from being discovered. Size #1/0 100% Natural Cotton Unprimed (uncoated), Lead-free 10 yards of continuous wick (uncut) Made in USA Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut. Wick 100 pump. You need to enable JavaScript to run this app.

The latest version of Final Cut Library Manager can now be downloaded free of charge. This version includes all the basic features that were previously available in the previous trial version.

Users can also buy the “Advanced License” for €19.90 (about $22.40 US), which is the equivalent of the previous paid version. Those with existing licenses will be upgraded to this new version for free.

Users may also choose to buy two new options, at €3 (about $3.38 US) each.


For those in a hurry, the new features include:

  • The ability to visualize and filter libraries that are currently open in FCP X
  • Search for and find all libraries that are missing media or other files
  • The ability to see a list of all exported media
  • An improved interface
  • Compatibility with FCP X 10.2.3 (which released two weeks ago)
  • A variety of bug fixes and performance enhancements.

The optional feature packs include:

  • Option 1: The ability to duplicate, move or delete libraries directly within Final Cut Library Manager.
  • Option 2: The ability to quickly access exported media with just a click (this is the next step after you see them listed).


(Click image to see a larger image.)

This is the interface for Final Cut Library Manager (FCLM). On the left is a list of all the storage devices that are, or were, attached to my system. On the right is a list of all the libraries stored on that hard disk.

In this screen shot, I highlighted one of my RAIDs and the system showed me all the libraries stored on it.

And not just libraries – it also shows media, including if that media is stored inside the library or, in this screen shot, externally.

If that library contains media that is offline, FCLM displays an alert.

Click the “Alert” button in the toolbar at the top (second from left) and all libraries with problems (for example, missing media) are displayed. https://cutpoker-time-quest-slots-nhzvb.peatix.com.

A very cool new feature is the ability to display and manipulate libraries that are currently open in Final Cut. Click the toolbar button at the far left to display all open libraries.

(Click image to see a larger image.)

Where FCLM really comes into its own is its ability to display the amount of hard disk space used by each library to store media, optimized and proxy files, and render files. You can even sort libraries by the amount of storage space they use.

Thinking of sorting, you can sort libraries in ascending or descending order by:

  • Name
  • Date last modified
  • Total file size
  • File size savings if generated media were deleted

In addition, you have the option to:

  • Create a new Final Cut Library from within FCLM
  • Display all online files
  • Display all off-line files
  • Display whether a library is currently open in Final Cut Pro X
  • Display whether a library contains any alerts (i.e. missing media)
  • Display folders containing external media
  • Display cache files
  • Delete optimized files
  • Delete proxy files
  • Delete render files
  • Delete thumbnail and audio peak data
  • Display and/or delete Optical Flow data

We can even open any library into FCP X from within FCLP – a very helpful feature for the terminally disorganized. Opening a library is as easy as double-clicking its name in FCLM.

The search function is especially helpful. Not only can we search by library name, we can search:

  • By Event name inside a library
  • By Project name inside a library
  • By Media file names, including custom notes and keywords created in Final Cut Pro X
  • By Finder comments
  • For exported projects

Part of the new features in FCLM is that we can duplicate, move or delete a library. But a feature I REALLY like is the ability to create a template from a library – something even Final Cut does not directly support.


No other program that I’ve seen has the breadth of features, the simplicity of interface and the downright helpfulness of Final Cut Library Manager. The new version adds several useful features in a thoughtful fashion.

Even if you are obsessively organized, Final Cut Library Manager will show you things about your libraries, media and data that you never knew you never knew.

It’s a cool program.

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Fade In 3 0 581 – Professional Screenwriting Software

Screenwriting software is a rapidly growing market that’s expected to reach $235.8 million by 2026. As a screenwriter or scriptwriter, you need a specialized tool to help you in writing killer screenplays efficiently.

What's new in Fade In 3.0.636. Using a dedicated screenplay software utility such as Fade In can come in. Those who like working on screenplays and want to create professional scripts. Check out the top deals for everything Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software has to offer: refurbished sale discount codes, free sample promo codes, printable promotional codes, etc. Save on all your needs with Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software deals as low as 20% off discount codes and promo codes at CouponAnnie. The 3.0.636 version of Fade In is available as a free download on our software library. This PC software was developed to work on Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 10 and can function on 32-bit systems. The actual developer of the software is GCC Productions Inc. Our antivirus check shows that this download is virus free.

If you are a screenwriter, having access to the right screenwriting software should be your top priority. Why?

Because it has now become an industry norm. When all the other screenwriters are using tools and software to write better scripts, you have to use the best screenwriting software to be at the top.

This article covers everything you need to know about screenwriting software, what features to look for when choosing one, and a list of the best screenwriting software to help you choose the right one.

Let’s get cracking.

What is Screenwriting Software?

Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software is the most advanced software used by professionals writing for motion pictures, television, video games, the stage, radio, and more. Fade In Professional Screenwriting Software. December 20, 2018 A new Fade In update is available. https://coolgup677.weebly.com/samsung-galaxy-pictures-to-mac.html. Please follow @fadeinsoftware on Twitter for updates and more.

Screenwriting software is a writing tool (like word processors) designed specifically for writing screenplays and scripts. Normal word processors (e.g. Microsoft Word) can’t handle the special needs of screenwriters.

For example, screenwriters deal with several characters and they need quick shortcuts to type character names. Similarly, screenwriters have to take notes, collaborate with other writers, and need access to outline quickly.

Microsoft Word has macros that make it easier for screenwriters to use these features but it’s a painful process. Dedicated screenwriting software provides you with all the features and benefits that you need to produce awesome scripts quickly yet comfortably.

Most importantly, screenwriting software comes with templates that is a huge plus. Templates make writing super-easy. Select a template based on the script type, make the edits, and you are done. Having the best screenwriting software will help you stay organized, save time, write quickly, and focus on what’s essential instead of dealing with the technicalities of the tool.

Features & Benefits of Screenwriting Software

Screenwriting software offers you with several features and benefits that make them essential for writing screenplays and scripts. Here is an over of the major benefits that you should expect to see in the best screenwriting tool:

  • Easy-to-use interface that requires minimal or no training
  • Ready-to-use templates
  • Outlines and mind mapping assistance
  • Story maps
  • Drag-and-drop builder
  • Real-time collaboration with other writers and stakeholders
  • Distraction-free writing
  • On-screen sidebar to quickly access characters and scenes
  • Note-taking tool
  • Auto-correct, spell check, and grammar recommendation
  • Quick draft import and export
  • Sync and integration with third-party apps (e.g. cloud services)
  • Multiple device support

Here are the top three features that you must consider before choosing any screenwriting software:

1. Templates

Screenplay templates help you plot your story quickly. Templates provide you with the basic elements of a screenplay that you can tweak as per requirement. For instance, you'll find headline, action, character names, dialogue, transition, shot, and other elements in the template. This saves a lot of time and makes your job easier.

2. Ease of Use

If it requires training and you have to spend a lot of time learning how to use a screenwriting tool, it isn’t worth it. The interface and layout should be simple and easy-to-use. This is one of the core features that you should look for in a screenwriting program.

The user interface should be self-explanatory with icons and buttons clearly visible. A graphical interface is ideal with a drag-and-drop tool. https://heredfile245.weebly.com/density-1-0-2-pixel-calculator-app.html.

3. Collaboration

Real-time collaboration is an essential feature that you shouldn’t miss. You have to collaborate with fellow writers, editors, and several other stakeholders during the writing process. Collaboration feature helps you collaborate with peers within the screenwriting software, you don’t have to use another tool. This keeps everything streamlined and organized within a single platform.

You also have to take notes (private and shared) related to characters, story, outline, and writing projects. The easier it is to take notes while writing, the better.

What screenwriting software features you prefer is more of a personal choice, but these three features should be your top priority as it will prove handy in the long run. So always look for these three features when evaluating software options.

The Best Screenwriting Software 2020

Here is an overview and review of the best screenwriting software available in the market to choose from in 2020.

These include both free screenwriting software and paid ones. Let’s dig in.

1. Squibler

Squibler is the #1 and top-rated screenwriting software that has a powerful yet easy-to-use text editor for screenwriters. It comes loaded with 30+ screenplay templates that help you in getting started hassle-free. The drag-and-drop user interface makes it extremely easy to add headings, beat boards, and other elements. With its collaboration feature, multiple writers can work on a single story simultaneously. This saves you from the hassle of sending story to multiple peers and then waiting for them to add their section.

Main Features

  • Easy-to-use scriptwriting software
  • Drag and drop interface
  • Distraction-free mode
  • More than 30 templates to choose from
  • Powerful built-in collaboration feature
  • Comes with several handy tools for writers such as plot generator
  • Works on web, pc, Ipad, IPhone, and Android
  • Integrates seamlessly with Google Drive and Dropbox
  • 30-days free trial

Best For

Squibler screenwriting software is an all-purpose platform that is suitable for all types of scriptwriters, authors, and fiction and non-fiction writers. It is perfect for screenwriters who need easy-to-use and reliable software to produce quality content with peace of mind.

Key Takeaways

Squibler is multi-purpose feature-rich screenwriting software that’s a perfect choice for any writer. It has all the features that you need in the best screenwriting tool. It has templates, easy-to-use, and has amazing collaboration and note-taking features.

Importantly, you can try it free.

Squibler Pricing

Squibler offers the following plans:

  • Free Trial – enjoy the 14-day trial period providing basic features (creating drafts, customizing templates, sharing options, etc) for free.
  • Squibler Pro (monthly plan) – use its advanced features by upgrading to Squibler Pro for $9.99 per month (billed monthly).

Claim your free trial today.

2. Fade In

Fade In screenwriting software that’s specifically made for motion picture screenplays and is perfect for writers who are associated with the film industry, television, and gaming. It comes with a lot of handy features that make it suitable for scriptwriters of all genres. It is a cross-device software that works on Mac, Windows, mobile, and Linux.

Main Features

  • Simple user interface
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Autocomplete tool
  • Distraction-free typing
  • Support multiple file formats including images and PDF
  • Works on Mac, Windows, Linux, and mobile
  • Support for cloud services
  • Comes with a free demo

Best For

Fade In is suitable for screenwriters who are working with film, TV, or gaming industry. The tools and features support motion picture screenplays.

Key Takeaways

Fade In screenwriting software is the best choice for people who work within the film industry. The real-time collaboration and its rewrite and revision tools help several people work on a single story simultaneously.

You can grab its free demo and check it out, but you won’t be able to download or use any content developed with the demo version.


Fade In Pricing

Fade In offers the following plans:

  • Free Demo Version – download Fade In’s fully functional demo version (3.0.636) for free and check out all the features it has to offer.
  • Full Version – if you like the software, get registered as a permanent user by purchasing the full version. You can purchase the full version for $75.

Registered users can download Fade In using the personalized download link sent via email or by checking for updates from the application.

3. Final Draft

Final Draft screenwriting software is best in the game. It is extensively used in the entertainment industry and it has won several awards over the years. It has more than 300 templates to choose from that make your work easier than ever. You can use Final Draft on Windows, Mac, and mobile devices making it a perfect multi-device software.

Main Features

  • More than 300 templates
  • Story mapping tool
  • Beat boards that let you visually organize ideas
  • Distraction-free writing
  • Speech to script tool
  • Real-time collaboration
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Powerful formatting options with revision mode
  • Auto-backup
  • 30-day free trial

Best For

Final Draft is best for the motion picture market. It is widely used by leading TV shows for screenwriting so if you are planning to write stage plays following industry standard for a television show or a Hollywood movie, Final Draft is your best bet.

Key Takeaways

Final Draft screenwriting software is professional and reliable that is used by some of the leading companies like Netflix, Pixar, and BBC. If you are working in the motion pictures industry, it is a great option. However, it is expensive than most of the other software in this list.

Good news: You can try it free for 30-days and see how it goes for you.

Final Draft Pricing

Final Draft offers the following plans:

  • Free Trial – download and install the trial version and use and enjoy a 30-day free trial.
  • Full Version – purchase the full version for $99.99.

Final Draft has a special upgrade pricing for its current customers who can purchase it for only $79.99.

4. Trelby

Looking for a free screenwriting software? Trelby is one of the best free open source programs for screenwriters. Being an open-source scriptwriting software, Trelby is updated and improved quite often by developers. Based on input from screenwriters, the software gets regular updates. It is multiplatform that works on Windows and Linux.

Main Features

  • Easy-to-use interface that’s like any text editor
  • The interface is configurable and can be customized as per need
  • Multiple view options
  • A comprehensive database of character names
  • Supports multiple file formats including PDF
  • Import and export files in a wide range of formats
  • Free for life

Best For

Trelby screenwriting software is flexible, customizable, and free making it a perfect choice for writers who are on a budget. It is suitable for new screenwriters who are just getting started and don’t want to spend money on screenwriting software.

Key Takeaways

Trelby is open source free software that’s exceptionally easy-to-use. It doesn’t have any learning curve. You can find scripts and codes free of cost on Github. However, it doesn’t offer you features that you'll find with some of the other screenwriting programs on this list.

Fade In 3 0 581 – Professional Screenwriting Software Free

If you are a newbie screenwriter, using Trelby should be your preference as it will give you a good idea of what your requirements are and will help you find a better paid screenwriting software in the future.

Trelby Pricing

Trelby is a feature-rich screenwriting tool that you can download for free. You can download the current version (2.2) on your Windows and Linux systems.

5. Celtx

Fade In 3 0 581 – Professional Screenwriting Software Download

Celtx is a multi-purpose scriptwriting and production tool that is designed specifically for large teams and companies that want to plan, write, and shoot with from a single platform. The interface is user-friendly and straightforward making is easy for screenwriters to get started. It offers several tools that help with writing, script format, production, cost management, reporting, collaboration, and more.

Main Features

  • Simple and intuitive user interface
  • Real-time team collaboration
  • Supports storyboard and index cards for story development
  • Works offline
  • Revision tracking
  • Multi-purpose software that also supports production and budgeting
  • Supports team and multiple members
  • 30-days free trial

Best For

Celtx screenwriting software is suitable for screenwriters who work within a team. It is mostly used for pre-production by companies that wish to handle everything from scriptwriting to production management.

Key Takeaways

Celtx is a powerful and feature-rich screenwriting platform that comes with an easy-to-use interface. It is a multi-purpose program that is focused on both screenwriting and production management. As a screenwriter who is working alone on a single project, it doesn’t turn out to be a great option.

If you are working with a team that is interested in production management too, Celtx will work great. You can use its free trial to explore features and interface. Ssh copy 17 02 – secure file transfer client app.

Celtx Pricing

Celtx offers the following pricing plans:

  • Scriptwriting Plan – $7.50 / month for the first year (billed annually) and $10 / month for the first three months (billed monthly).
  • Celtx Pro – enjoy Celtx Pro’s 30-day free trial. Contact the sales team for purchasing this version.
  • Education – request a quote from the sales team to get the pricing.

You can also combine plans based on your production needs.

Fade In 3 0 581 – Professional Screenwriting Software Pdf

6. WriterDuet

WriterDuet is simple yet effective screenwriting app that is focused on real-time collaboration. It was developed in 2013 as a collaboration tool for writers. It has now transformed into a full-fledged screenwriting software. It comes with templates, outlining tool, and tagging features. It is a cloud-based software so you can access it from anywhere in the world.

Main Features

  • Real-time collaboration
  • Easy-to-use interface
  • Customizable software that comes with plugins and scripts
  • Comes with templates
  • Ability to create your own templates and workflows
  • Tagging and outlining feature
  • Can be used from any device including mobile and offline desktop app
  • Comes with a free plan

Best For

WriterDuet screenwriting software is best for professional screenwriters who work with writing partners. If you have a team of multiple writers and you want to write and edit script simultaneously without ruining other’s work, this is the software you must use. Real-time collaboration is its real strength.

Key Takeaways

It is a simple and easy-to-use screenwriting tool for teams. It offers almost all the essential features that you need to write great scripts. However, it is most suitable for real-time collaboration for scriptwriting and sluglines. You can use it for collaboration and simultaneous writing, editing, and revision.

You can try WriterDuet free and see how it works for you. However, the free version comes with limited features, so you'll have to switch to a paid plan to fully explore all the features.

WriterDuet Pricing

WriterDuet offers the following three plans:

  • Plus – $7.99 / month (billed monthly) and $5.00 / month (billed annually)
  • Pro – $11.99 / month (billed monthly) and $7.42 / month (billed annually)
  • Premium – $15.99 / month (billed monthly) and $9.992 / month (billed annually)

Switch to yearly plans and you can save 38%.

Choose the Right Screenwriting Software

Fade In Screenwriting Software Download

The above list is not, by no means, exhaustive. There are several other best screenwriting software such as Scrivener, Movie Magic Screenwriter, Highland, Fountain, KIT Scenarist, and others.

It isn’t impossible to write scripts and screenplays without a tool, but it will be one heck of a task if you try doing it without the help of appropriate screenwriting software. That’s how the industry works.

Selecting the right screenwriting software will get easier if you know your project requirements and your personal interests. Here are a few basic questions that you should ask yourself before choosing a screenwriting program:

Do you want to get started quickly and need assistance with templates?

Are you a newbie screenwriter?

Are you working on a script with multiple other writers?

Are you working alone?

Do you want yourself involved in production management?

Your answers will help you select the best screenwriting software from the list above.